Breaking news! Goblins in the Acropolis Museum.

Goblins are about to invade the Acropolis Museum! Reliable sources report that they are planning to spill into the Museum’s galleries and together with various other mischievous creatures of antiquity, such as the Satyrs and Pan, get up to all sorts of mischief. We’ve heard their first naughty task is to mix up the exhibition labels and, as a result, totally confuse the Museum’s visitors! The Museum’s archaeologists are in panic! How about coming to the Museum and help us get rid of these troublemakers or at least clear up the chaos they are going to create? You’ll have powerful assistance - the Medusa, the mythical creature with a terrifying appearance that the ancient Greeks believed can ward off evil. What do you say? If we combine forces, surely we can meet this challenge? Come to the Acropolis Museum’s new family activity "Goblin… mix up" from 28 December 2022 to 05 January 2023.


That’s all ΑΜΚ (AcropolisMuseum Kids) fοlks. Stay tuned for more exciting news. Take care and hope to see you soon!