-colored pencils
-crayon or oil pastel
-colored paper
Print our illustration of the three bodied daemon and let your imagination go wild! Create your own works of art with one of the great exhibit of the Acropolis Museum. Use markers, pencils, water paints, wool, string and anything else you can think of to create your special daemon. We can’t wait to see your work of art!
Three men’s bodies with wings, joined together by their intertwined snake tails: isn’t this a perfect three-headed daemon? In his hands he holds symbols of the three elements of nature: namely water (a wave), fire (a flame) and air (a bird) while the earth is symbolized by his snaky tails. Don’t be fooled however! Once upon a time, he was high up on the pediment (the triangle-shaped part of a temple below its roof) of the first really big temple dedicated to the goddess Athena ever built on the Acropolis and he was very scary. Nowadays, however, he is very popular! Visitors to the Museum find his cheeky smile under his colored beard(s) irresistible!
So this superstar amongst monsters is now yours to print and color, in any way and with as many colors as you wish. Free your imagination and create the most exceptional three-bodied daemon ever! Here are a few ideas to get you started on your creative journey...
Print the three-bodied daemon.
Use markers, colored pencils, crayons or oil pastels to color the three bodied daemon
Try with finger or water paint.
Use the shavings from the sharpening of old pencils and give your daemon a textured look.
Find leftover wool, threads or ribbons of different colors and glue them on the drawing.
Cut different colored papers and glue it on the drawing on the daemon.